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Wheelchair Vertical Platform Lifts For People With Limited M
2021-11-11 15:28     clicks

Vertical wheelchair platform lifts are the perfect solution for people with limited mobility. These equipments help physically challenged individuals and other elderly members of the society to independently access different areas of their home or workplace. They eliminate the requirement of a caretaker, the presence of whom is very often an intrusion into one's privacy.

Platform lifts or vertical wheelchair platform lifts are powered with either hydraulics or electricity. These devices allow a wheelchair confined individual to be either lowered or elevated to a floor level without leaving the wheelchair Wheelchair lifts, as the name signifies, lift the wheelchair Stairways are the biggest hurdle to habitual wheelchair users. Vertical wheel chair stair lifts help these individuals to easily access stairways.

Vertical wheelchair platform lifts come in different models:

1.     An Enclosed Model: With this particular wheelchair lift model, the chair as well as the occupant can remain on a platform with walls enclosing them as they move up and down.

2.     Shaft way Model: With this type of wheelchair model, one can easily access narrow stairways.

3.     Stage Model: This model is regularly used for shorter height situations such as those found on a stage.

4.     Opal Model: This model is similar to the enclosed model, but features an open ceiling

You can select from a range of affordable vertical wheelchair platform lifts now available in the market. With advancing technology, new features are added everyday to ensure painless and effortless movement to the user. Electric and hydraulic wheelchair vertical platform lifts are available; electric lifts are cheaper in comparison.

Wheelchair platform lifts meant for straight stairways are provided with all mandatory safety features. Advanced models of these lifts have unique obstruction sensors that can sense obstacles on the way, and stop the lift. This feature helps in avoiding harm to the user, and in preventing damage to the equipment. When the obstacle is removed, the lift continues to move.

Wheelchair lifts are fast becoming a vital part of modern society. These help individuals with limited mobility experience greater independence and liberty. Wheelchair lifts are value added products which enable the individuals to fight against physical challenges.

At QUENTIN, we focus on eliminating several accessibility challenges you face at home and in your business premises, with the help of premium products such as platform lifts, stair lifts, wheelchair lifts and so on. We have an extensive range of Inclined and vertical platform lifts